1. Name of Applicant: Fill name of Applicant as mentioned on the Aadhaar Card. "आधार कार्ड में उल्लिखित आवेदक का नाम भरें।"
2. Type of Organization: Select the type of organization from the given options which will get printed on MSME Certificate.
"दिए गए विकल्पों में से संगठन के प्रकार का चयन करें।"
3. PAN: Fill 10 Digit PAN Number in case of Limited Liability Partnership / Co-operative / Private Limited / Public Limited. PAN Number is optional in case of Proprietorship Firm / Hindu Undivided Family / Partnership Firm / Self Help Group.
4. Mobile No: Fill the correct Mobile Number of Applicant. "आवेदक का सही मोबाइल नंबर यहां लिखें।"
5. Mail ID: Fill the correct Mail ID of Applicant. "यहां अपनी सही ईमेल आईडी का उल्लेख करें।"
6. Social Category: Select the Social Category of applicant from the given options. "आवेदक की सामाजिक श्रेणी का चयन करें।"
7. Gender: Select the gender from provided options. "आवेदक का लिंग चुनें।"
8. Physically Handicapped: Select the status from provided options. "चयन करें कि आवेदक शारीरिक रूप से विकलांग है या नहीं।"
9. Name of Enterprise: Fill the name of Business / Enterprise which will get printed on MSME Certificate. "यहां अपने व्यवसाय के नाम का उल्लेख करें।"
10. Location of Plant: Fill the location address properly. Include:
11. Pin Code: Fill the location address properly. Include:
12. State: Fill the location address properly. Include:
13. District Name: Fill the location address properly. Include:
14. Office Address: Provide office address, if different from plant location.
15. Date of Commencement of Business: Fill the date of Commencement of Business which will get printed on MSME Certificate.
16. Major Activity of Unit: Select the Major Business activity from the given options. "अपनी मुख्य व्यावसायिक गतिविधि चुनें।"
17. Additional details about Business: Fill additional details about business. (For example: manufacturing of Food Products, Computer programming, Software development).
18. Number of Employees: Fill total number of people employed. "आपके संगठन में कार्यरत कर्मचारियों की संख्या का उल्लेख करें।"
19. Investment in Plant & Machinery: Fill the total investment made in Plant, Machinery, and Equipment etc. "अपने व्यवसाय में किए गए निवेश की कुल राशि भरें।"
20. Total Turnover: Fill the total turnover of the financial year. "वित्तीय वर्ष का कुल कारोबार भरें।"